Creditors and collection companies can be overly aggressive when collecting money from those who owe them. While there are laws creditors must follow, their actions and attempts to have you settle your debt can feel like harassment. What methods do creditors use to...
Month: June 2024
How creditor wage garnishment can escalate debt issues
The best solutions for substantial personal debt are voluntary ones. Most creditors try to work with people who have fallen behind on their financial obligations. However, some are less patient than others. Credit card companies and medical creditors are among those...
3 benefits of filing for Chapter 7
Filing for bankruptcy is not an easy decision to make. It will take time and effort to gather all the documentation you need and present an application. There is also the risk that you lose some of your possessions - although probably not nearly as much as you think....
Don’t be afraid to consider bankruptcy
If you are contemplating filing for personal bankruptcy there is probably one big thing stopping you from going ahead. Most people tend to feel a bit ashamed. They consider that filing for bankruptcy would reflect badly on them and that they will have somehow failed....