You may have filed for bankruptcy in the past. You did this because you likely had a lot of medical debt or credit card debt that you could not pay. Bankruptcy may have been your only option. However, you may need to file for bankruptcy again because of the...
Month: August 2024
Will filing for bankruptcy put a stop to creditors contacting me?
People often decide to file bankruptcy after they come to the realization that they can’t pay all their bills with the income they have. This may be because of an unexpected illness, just because things got a little out of hand or a variety of other reasons. For...
How long does a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing take to complete?
Bankruptcy is a legal system that facilitates debt relief. Individuals struggling with high credit card balances, major medical debts and other forms of financial pressure can ask the courts for relief. Bankruptcy can help people in multiple different ways. As soon as...
Why bankruptcy isn’t the worst thing for your credit
You’ve thought about filing for bankruptcy – but everything you’ve heard about how it may affect your credit has you scared to proceed. You’ve heard that it will ruin your credit forever. Understanding more about the realities of the situation may alleviate your...