Creditors are happy to lend you money. Many of them are also happy for you to fall behind on payments, too, at least for a while. Yet, the day that a friendly lender becomes an unfriendly one can come as a shock. When a lender fears you will not return the money you...
Month: September 2021
New bill proposes student loan relief
If you are one of the 45 million people still to pay off their student loans, good news may be on the way. A recent bi-partisan bill proposal suggests making it easier for former students who struggle with their debt to include it in a bankruptcy filing. The new...
Will bankruptcy ruin my credit score?
When you apply for credit, lenders review your credit rating to help them make a decision. If you are too high a risk, they will turn you down as they do not want to lose their money. Yet, someone who always makes payments on time is not that attractive either. A...
Can you choose which type of personal bankruptcy you use?
If you are considering filing for personal bankruptcy, there are two options available. They are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Yet, depending on your situation, you may only have one choice. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy requires you to pass a means test. If your income is...
The 2 main differences between Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy
There are numerous different kinds of personal bankruptcy available. For many people, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is what they think of when they hear the word bankruptcy. They think about someone needing to sell off some of their property and getting a discharge of their...
How can you spot a distracted driver?
Distracted drivers are one of the biggest dangers on the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 3,142 people died because of them during 2019. Many more escaped with their lives but suffered severe injuries. If you could spot a...
How big a problem is driver fatigue?
Sleep is essential for our brains and bodies to function. Getting enough of it is so critical that depriving people of sleep has been used as a torture technique for centuries. Why then do so many drivers think they are OK to drive when they have not had enough sleep?...
What are the unseen effects of a car crash?
If you are in a car crash, some of your injuries will be visible. You may have a swollen face after breaking your nose on the steering wheel. You might have a wound that is bleeding heavily or a broken leg or arm. Injuries you can see are often less dangerous than...
What is the statute of limitations for personal injury in Georgia?
If you have suffered an injury as a result of another person or entity’s negligence, you may be eligible for compensation for your injuries and other losses. However, most people never find going to court a pleasant experience. Thus, it is not unusual for personal...