When you live paycheck to paycheck, it means that you are not earning extra money and putting it in savings while you live off of the assets that you already control. You need those paychecks for basic expenses like the mortgage and food. If you do live this way, you...
Year: 2021
Have creditor calls turned abusive and harassing?
Some people fall behind on their bills because they forgot a due date or wrote a check but then did not drop it in the mail. Most people, however, who fall behind on their bills are well aware of their financial situation. They may have lost their job and had no...
How bankruptcy may help you keep your home
If you're in danger of losing your home to foreclosure, you have already missed multiple mortgage payments. Most lenders will not start the proceedings as soon as you miss a single payment, so it takes a few missed payments in a row to trigger this. If you're looking...
Carelessness is not necessarily the cause of bankruptcy
Financial woes affect many people across America. Frequently, bankruptcy is viewed as something that can only impact those who have been careless with their money. However, this could not be further from the truth. Though poor financial management can be at the heart...
How does a Chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan work?
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a good tool for professionals or business owners who have too much debt. Unlike Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a Chapter 13 filing doesn't involve asset liquidation and property exemptions. When you file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you won't have to...
Debts discharged under a Chapter 7 bankruptcy
If you are thinking of filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy, knowing what it means for your finances is necessary. Usually, a bankruptcy discharge releases you from some of your financial liabilities, and as the debtor, you are no longer legally obligated to pay such...
Medical debt now affects half of all American households
Modern hospitals can offer care that people may only have dreamed of a few decades ago. Unfortunately, that higher standard of care comes with substantially higher costs. Every year, millions of Americans require care that their insurance does not fully cover, leaving...
3 ways to rebuild your finances after filing bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy can be an extremely trying process and may negatively impact your emotional well-being. Often, individuals look at bankruptcy in a negative light. However, bankruptcy can also be looked at as a beginning rather than an end. Even though...
Is pursuing bankruptcy or debt consolidation right for you?
No one wants to be in a situation where they're struggling to make ends meet. Fortunately, there are debt relief options that you can pursue, so you don't have to continue to wonder how you're going to ever get back on top of your bills again. Two of the more popular...
Will a bankruptcy leave you carless?
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you might be concerned about transport. You may have heard of people losing their car when they file and being unable to secure a loan for a new one. If you file under Chapter 13 and have outstanding debt on a vehicle...