When you live paycheck to paycheck, it means that you are not earning extra money and putting it in savings while you live off of the assets that you already control. You need those paychecks for basic expenses like the mortgage and food. If you do live this way, you...
Month: December 2021
Have creditor calls turned abusive and harassing?
Some people fall behind on their bills because they forgot a due date or wrote a check but then did not drop it in the mail. Most people, however, who fall behind on their bills are well aware of their financial situation. They may have lost their job and had no...
How bankruptcy may help you keep your home
If you're in danger of losing your home to foreclosure, you have already missed multiple mortgage payments. Most lenders will not start the proceedings as soon as you miss a single payment, so it takes a few missed payments in a row to trigger this. If you're looking...
Carelessness is not necessarily the cause of bankruptcy
Financial woes affect many people across America. Frequently, bankruptcy is viewed as something that can only impact those who have been careless with their money. However, this could not be further from the truth. Though poor financial management can be at the heart...