Distracted drivers are one of the biggest dangers on the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 3,142 people died because of them during 2019. Many more escaped with their lives but suffered severe injuries. If you could spot a...
Personal Injury
How big a problem is driver fatigue?
Sleep is essential for our brains and bodies to function. Getting enough of it is so critical that depriving people of sleep has been used as a torture technique for centuries. Why then do so many drivers think they are OK to drive when they have not had enough sleep?...
What are the unseen effects of a car crash?
If you are in a car crash, some of your injuries will be visible. You may have a swollen face after breaking your nose on the steering wheel. You might have a wound that is bleeding heavily or a broken leg or arm. Injuries you can see are often less dangerous than...
What is the statute of limitations for personal injury in Georgia?
If you have suffered an injury as a result of another person or entity’s negligence, you may be eligible for compensation for your injuries and other losses. However, most people never find going to court a pleasant experience. Thus, it is not unusual for personal...
How does a coup-contrecoup brain injury happen?
If you are involved in a car accident, one of the injuries that you could suffer is called a coup-contrecoup brain injury. This kind of brain injury is among one of the worst because it impacts multiple areas of your brain. A coup-contrecoup injury is possible in...
What do the 100 deadliest days of summer mean for you?
Summer is almost here. For most, it brings up thoughts of camping, barbeques, trips to the beach and family vacations. After all, summer is supposed to be a fun, relaxing time -- especially for students and young people who have more free time. However, experts are...
How to maximize your compensation after an accident
Your involvement in a minor fender bender can ruin your day, but a severe motor vehicle accident has the potential to devastate both your physical wellbeing and your finances. Victims of severe accidents rely on insurance to help them manage their injury expenses....
3 maintenance issues that drivers need to address to prevent crashes
While the DIY buff may have a garage full of chainsaws and other potentially lethal power tools, the most dangerous thing they own is their car. That is the one possession that is most likely to harm others. If they are too busy installing new shelves or remodeling...
Can Georgia accident victims get compensation for pain and suffering after a car wreck?
If you are reading this post, there is a good chance that you have recently experienced a motor vehicle accident that left you with considerable injuries. You may also be facing substantial financial hardships because of the accident. American states give victims the...
Traffic accidents and deaths hit record high in 2020
Despite the fact that many people pivoted to working from home last year, fatal car accidents rose an astonishing 24% in 2020 over 2019. While you can’t do anything about the numbers (or bad drivers), understanding dangerous trends can help you mitigate your risk of a...