When people have to file for bankruptcy, you may often hear them talk about their credit card debt. They will say that they just had too much debt on their cards and that those cards led to bankruptcy. This creates the perception that credit cards are bad, as if the...
Month: June 2022
How can illness lead to bankruptcy?
However active and healthy you are, illness or injury could catch you at any time. If you need to spend time in the hospital, you will lose out on earnings. That could make paying everyday bills such as the mortgage and essential services impossible. Then comes the...
How long will I be bankrupt?
You might think it is a case of “once in bankruptcy, always in bankruptcy.” It’s not true, however. The law sets out specific amounts of time that bankruptcy will remain on your credit record. After that has passed, no one need ever know. If you file for Chapter 13,...
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Protects You
Creditor harassment is something that no one should have to deal with. It is unfair to you to have to worry about a creditor calling you at all hours or threatening you with vulgarity. There are many things that creditors cannot do when trying to collect on a debt....
Debts that you cannot discharge with bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can offer much-needed relief to individuals who are overwhelmed with debt. If you are struggling to keep up with your bills, declaring bankruptcy could be an excellent opportunity to reset your finances and have a fresh start. However, it is important to...