If you are contemplating filing for personal bankruptcy there is probably one big thing stopping you from going ahead. Most people tend to feel a bit ashamed. They consider that filing for bankruptcy would reflect badly on them and that they will have somehow failed.
While some bankruptcies are down to major personal errors, often they are just down to bad luck. Maybe your spouse got seriously ill and you had to spend a lot on medical bills. Perhaps the company you worked for cut staff a month after you took out a new mortgage leaving you no way to pay the mortgage and all your other bills.
Other times the need to file for bankruptcy is best viewed as a reflection of how expensive life has become and how inadequate wages can be. It might no longer be possible to do the job you do, in the area you live and make enough to pay rent, bills, food and your student loan repayments.
Carrying on as you are is unlikely to improve the situation
Facing up to the fact that you cannot pay your debts is a huge step on the road to dealing with them. Many people never reach this point and suffer in debt for the rest of their lives.
Once you have realized you have a problem you can seek help to explore your options to resolve that problem. Bankruptcy may not be the only option, but it is certainly worth considering and as you will eventually realize, it is one that many others have reached for before you. It is a positive and brave step, certainly not something to feel ashamed of.