Filing for personal bankruptcy can be a fresh start for you if your debts have gotten out of control. Being overwhelmed by constant calls from debtors and utility companies can cause you a lot of anxiety. When you file for bankruptcy you will be granted an automatic stay. This will immediately put an end to those harassing phone calls.
You may be worried about how to handle your overdue utility bills. When you file for bankruptcy you will be asked to make a list of all of your debts. Utility bills that have gone unpaid should be included on this list.
Will my service continue or be restored after bankruptcy?
In most cases, yes. The utility companies won’t tell you this, but the past due amount can be discharged by them without disruption to your service.You just need to make sure that you pay your bill on time every month from here on out.
If your utilities were shut off, some (though not all) companies may require you to make a deposit to get your services up and running again. Even if you made a deposit when you first established service, they may ask this of you. They may also create a brand new account for you so that you may truly start fresh.
Filing for bankruptcy can be overwhelming. There are bound to be complications that arise and you may not know how to handle them. Consulting with an experienced legal guide is important because they can help you navigate through all of the twists and turns of bankruptcy as you move forward.